
Emergency Preparedness

Winter Weather, Downed Power Lines and Outages

Multnomah County Winter Weather Resources

PGE Power Outages: If you're a residential or small business customer, PGE will text you when your power's out. If you don’t receive a text, you can still report outages on PGE’s mobile app, online or by calling us at 503-464-7777.

Downed Power Line? What to do. Call PGE immediately at 503-464-7777 in Portland, or 800-544-1795 to report any downed utility line.


When Disaster Strikes Eastmoreland: An Emergency Earthquake Resource Guide

Emergency Preparedness Kit Tips

“How to tighten up your emergency plan” (OPB News – earthquakes and wildfires)

Wildfires and Air Quality Links

Oregon Wildfire Resources (State of Oregon). Includes links to up-to-date news and alerts, evacuations, emergency lodging, road conditions and closures, air quality, etc.

State of Oregon’s RAPTOR Tool. Real-time Assessment and Planning Tool – mapping for situational awareness.

State of Oregon Fires and Hotspots Dashboard.

Oregon Department of Forestry Fire Mapping Tool. Includes real-time information and statistics.

AirNow Fire and Smoke Map. Interactive mapping tool for the US, Canada and Mexico.

AirNow (EPA) real-time air quality tool.

US Wildfire Reports (ESRI online mapping). This map displays current wildfire locations as reported by responding agencies and other sources of information related to wildfires.

Air quality real-time mapping for Oregon. This provides international air quality information including Oregon-specific information.


Neighborhood Emergency Teams, which offers volunteer-led resources following a disaster. Here is a list of the volunteer NETs that are active in Portland.

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746. This service provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support for people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.  


Neighborhood Safety & Livability

If there is an immediate threat to life or property, call 911. This includes car prowling, prowling of private property, open fires, drug dealing, public drug consumption, prowling around the Duniway Elementary School construction site, etc.

If there is NOT an immediate threat to life or property, but this is a situation where emergency services should eventually be dispatched (such as a stolen car), call non-emergency at 503-823-3333.  Portland Police Bureau Central Precinct front desk for non-emergencies: 503-823-0097

File an online police report:

You CAN file an online police report if you witness or hear suspicious activity, even from a homeless encampment.  You are not reporting the camp—you are reporting suspicious activity or a crime occurring at the camp.  If you see open fires or other dangerous activities at a homeless camp, please call 911. If you need help filling out an online police report, please watch this video Online Reporting Portland Police Bureau.

For safety/livability issues at Duniway Elementary School: Call 911, non-emergency, or file an online police report as appropriate.  You may also follow up with Portland Public Schools Security: Security Services Main Line, (503) 916-3000; or securityservices@pps.net

City/County Information.: Includes phone numbers for city and county services. Switchboard: 503-823-4000; Email: cityinfo@portlandoregon.gov

Community Safety Resources | Portland.gov

City of Portland, Report a Problem: Links to online forms for reporting a problem or submitting a complaint. Don't see a service listed or want a phone number instead of an online form? View this list of common code violations, which includes the agency and contact information for reporting problems.

City of Portland, Sidewalk Repair: The City of Portland Sidewalk Program oversees the maintenance of City sidewalks, curbs, and corners. The program's goal is to ensure that all sidewalks are safe and accessible for pedestrians and to help prevent injuries caused by defective sidewalks

Multnomah County Mental Health Crisis Line:  503-988-4888. Multnomah County Mental Health Crisis Intervention.

Neighborhood Crime Statistics: 503-823-0000; non-emergency, 503-823-3333

Development Services Bureau: 503-823-7300. This CIty bureau oversees permitting and zoning.

Planning and Sustainability Bureau: 503-823-7700. This CIty bureau oversees city planning.

Animal Services 24-hour Call Center: 503-988-7387.
Call to report stray, barking, injured or aggressive animals.

Multnomah County Vector Control: 503-988-3464
Call to report rodent infestations, mosquito breeding grounds


General Neighborhood Resources

Eastmoreland Historic District: For questions about the Eastmoreland Historic District and how it affects remodels and demolitions, go here, or you can contact Tim Heron at the city of Portland (Portland Permitting and Development) at tim.heron@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-7300.

District 4 Coalition

Duniway Elementary School: 700 SE Reed College Place, Portland 97202

Holy Family Catholic School: 7425 SE Cesar Estrada Chavez Blvd, Portland, OR 97202

Berkeley Park: Includes Alex Rovello Memorial Tennis Courts, a picnic table, baseball and soccer fields, and play equipment.

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden: 5801 SE 28th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202

Eastmoreland Golf Course: 503-775-2900. 2425 SE Bybee St, Portland, OR 97202

Tideman Johnson Natural Area: SE 37th Avenue and Tenino Street
Portland, OR 97202

Westmoreland Park: Includes wildlife areas, baseball, basketball and soccer fields, play areas, a casting pond and picnic tables.

Woodstock Library: 503-988-5123. 6008 SE 49th Ave, Portland, OR 97206

Portland Office of Community and Civic Life: 503-823-4519. 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 114, Portland, OR 97204. civiclife@portlandoregon.gov

Woodstock Neighborhood Association