Emergency Preparedness


The ENA Emergency Preparedness Committee is working to provide the neighborhood with resources to help  everyone be as prepared as possible for the next power outage or other emergency. We welcome questions and volunteers (with and without emergency-related skills and resources).

Please contact us at ready@eastmorelandpdx.org.

One of our priorities is to encourage each local group of neighbors, such as your block, to prepare and practice an emergency preparation plan. We’re working on draft materials for that now.

We are indebted to previous volunteers who created the guides and information below.


Being prepared for “the big one” is a matter of life and death. The ENA Emergency Preparedness Committee has created two guides to assist you in your preparation and in the event a major earthquake should occur.

When Disaster Strikes Eastmoreland: An Emergency Earthquake Resource Guide

Emergency Preparedness Kit Tips

Wildfires and Air Quality Links

“How to tighten up your emergency plan” (OPB News – wildfires and earthquakes)

Oregon Wildfire Resources (State of Oregon). Includes links to up-to-date news and alerts, evacuations, emergency lodging, road conditions and closures, air quality, etc.

State of Oregon’s RAPTOR Tool. Real-time Assessment and Planning Tool – mapping for situational awareness.

State of Oregon Fires and Hotspots Dashboard.

Oregon Department of Forestry Fire Mapping Tool. Includes real-time information and statistics.

US Wildfire Reports (ESRI online mapping). This map displays current wildfire locations as reported by responding agencies and other sources of information related to wildfires.

AirNow (EPA) real-time air quality tool.

Air quality real-time mapping for Oregon. This provides international air quality information including Oregon-specific information.


Go to our Resources page for a comprehensive list of emergency preparedness websites.


Reed College Place Committee


Schools Committee